
Thursday May 02, 2019
Episode 7: The do's and don'ts of clinical record keeping for nurses
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
Good health care starts with good communication, and this starts with accurate clinical record keeping. Nursing is a 24 hour job, and as practitioners pass the baton onto the next shift, precise record keeping is imperative to ensure clinical disasters are averted.
In this episode of The Checkup, BN's Jodeen Brewer is joined by Melinda Zerner QC to discuss the do's and don'ts of clinical record keeping, and explore a real life example of where poor record keeping contributed to the avoidable death of a patient.
This episode of The Checkup was recorded and edited by Audio Advantage - www.audioadvantage.com.au
Version: 20241125