
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
The Case of Keli Lane - Part 2: The psychology of secret pregnancies
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
For those not familiar with Keli Lane’s story, she is a former Australian water polo player who made headlines throughout the country when her baby mysteriously went missing, sparking a coronial inquest into her disappearance. In December 2010, Keli was convicted of murder and sentenced to 18 years in prison.
In Part 2, BN's Sarah Carlisle is joined by Kathryn Smith, a clinical psychologist and the joint director of a large private practice in Brisbane. Kathryn has a broad range of experience which includes a stint working in a large maternity hospital providing psychological support to women during pregnancy and in the post-natal period. They discuss the psychology behind secret pregnancies and the significance of perinatal and postnatal mental disorders, both in that context and more generally.